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Maruta O'Donnell

Wedding Flower Designer

My love of flowers started as a girl when I used to spend long summers at my grandparents country house. They grew their own fruit and vegetables and there was a beautiful flower garden at the front of the house. At that time my grandmother taught me how to do flowers arrangements. When we finished our visits  there was always a bunch of flowers to take home. 
Later on I graduated with a Diploma in Flower Design from the University of Latvia. 
I am  a member of florist association “Rezeda” in Riga where we are involved in main flower arranging design and arrangements for government,  state visits, corporate events and private parties.
Living in Kilkenny for many years  I have worked with Lamber De Bie  and  I was head of flower design at  Lyrath Estate Hotel, creating many successful  events and wedding flowers. My  passion for wedding flowers continues and I continue to design and successfully create many weddings and other events.

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